Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Wow! I just figured something out!

So...I was replying a moment ago to Pinky about the Faith and a funeral painting (last two posts) and I don't know if you guys read the comments or not so I wanted to repost what I said to her here....Because funny thing... my most enlightening moments are so small, quick, fast that I don't want to freaking lose the power of them by not showing them to the universe...And then of course because it's me... expounding....Big surprise right?:)
So below is my short answer to pinkies question...Or INSIGHT....Oh before I forget, The I is upside down...Because I (me) am feeling very upside down while watching the tragedy of my Home...(I claim the entire South and Gulf as home...My people, every last one of them) be destroyed...*artist is now whispering....Can anyone say remember the south? Can anyone remember that so much of who we are as a great nation came/comes from the FAITH coming out of the south, out of the people? Off the backs of these people...The south is our nations spiritual root* So anyway before I rant anymore about injustice....

Yes it's a symbol of the cross...For the t...For me being born and raised in some really strong religious stuff, it has significance for that...But also because of the unhealthy way (My thoughts) that people relate to the symbol of the cross these days...Making me better than you, because I've been saved....yadyadyada.I Have never been to many places in my life...But I have never experianced the same type of pure religion that I did while in New Orawlenzzz, the power of faith in that city...All types of faith, but pure faith in the music, the art, the voodoo, the color, the pain, the food, the inhibition... everything. A people of FAITH...Lost to the greed and corruption of "people" that just don't "get poverty" as they have said over and over again...Yes I am quoting the present headgmon wanna be directly...well now... they don't have to get it...The rest of us understand completly... when this work is finished I will be finding a family or person or business in N.O. or from the disaster, that I will gifting it to. We need a wake, we need a colorful, band marching, black umbrella, funeral procession, we need to celebrate what is gone. Celebrate that we had it at all, celebrate FAITH! So...If you are one of those above mentioned peoples then contact me...I have art for you. This is my call...Let it be heard.Have a soulful day all!
PS...Blown away, is the other painting, that will be going to someone/place special as a the Biloxi/Missi area... ( Why? Because I CAN!Why, because it last longer than money. Why? why ask why?
So maybe I don't have anymore than that...maybe I just can do anything I want in this life, I make it... I can sell it, trade it, give it away...I do the best I can with what I got...I am the south, in my faith and I thank and grieve with the south for the gifts it has given and lost.
that's all on that.
I posted them both up there again...It's being a very hard thing to do...Complete them that is....You know?
If you know somewhere or someone that needs art from the above described areas...Give me a nod...Let's talk. Yes I am for real.
Later, I have a crap load of life to live today! I'll post my Journal pages tonight!
*subliminal message to your wallet hand...Get itchy ...There is still some fairy world art that needs a new home...* LOL

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