Sunday, February 26, 2006

BAD! Kitty Art Studio ~ Portland Oregon ~ Artist Blog ~Quote for the day

BAD! Kitty Art Studio &
Sybil Ann tells All
Quote for the Day
As long as I can remember I feel I have had this great creative and spiritual force within me that is greater than faith, greater than ambition, greater than confidence, greater than determination, greater than vision. It is all these combined. My brain becomes magnetized with this dominating force which I hold in my hand.
Bruce Lee
When I was a little girl about 10 or so...The Salvador Dali museum opened in St. Petersburg, FL.
My father took me on the opening day, and while we waited in line, I could see through the glass windows into the gallery.
When we were able to get in, and walk around looking at the incredible art that I had only seen in the books I had, I was awe struck by the art, the mastery of course...But even more than that, I understood the message in his work, and I knew who I really was right then, at ten, in the middle of a crowded museum...I knew I was special, just like Dali....because I could "see" and Understand.
Memory is a slippery slope, it can take you to wonderful places and times. It can bring also bring pain and loss.
Persistence is different all together.
They sent Albert Einstein home from school at 6 or 7 with a note saying "this boy is too stupid to teach mathematics." Dali was shunned by his art community largely because he saw things so much differently than the social "artist" society, that he was living in. He was a trail blazer, a rule breaker.
I identified with his work because I knew I was meant for something great even then. I had faith in myself, even though I had never been given any reason to. I wanted more than anything to roll out a sleeping bag and live in the museum, and soak up the mastery of pure intellectual defiance.
It was the beginning of my love affair with art in every form and fashion...I see art in everything, everywhere...It's also why I can't be pegged as any "type" of artist the galleries hate that, so do the agents...I just am me...And I just do what I do...And I do it for me.
I call it Heatherism...You can call it whatever you like.
We took the boys to the Archery range yesterday, they had so much fun, and so did we...Teaching them the calmness, being quiet inside their heads, focus on the target and to become the arrow. Both of them were amazing with their ability to do those things, and hit the target everytime, from teh first shot...I live in a house full of eagle eyed, dead aim people.
I love it.
I was a little rusty at first....Thinking of all the things I know about the sport, and at my first three times on the line, my arrows went everywhere but the target.
I was embarrassed.
I didn't quit.
5th time to the line...I took my bow, loaded, took aim...And closed my eyes at full draw. I pictured myself as an empty vessel, and that the arrow was the portion of myself that was not empty, the portion I wanted to release with intention...
In the 3 seconds that took me to do...I opened my eye and I released.
Hit the target just like old times
(well almost it's been 10 years after all)
for the rest of the day, I was on.
I am the arrow,
I am the empty vessel,
I am full, I am empty
I am deadly,
I am true,
I am.
We are going back today, and will probably begin to really train the boys in form and faith. They have natural talent, we all love the sport, and mate man...He could really be a champion, amazing talent inside that Man.
We all had such a wonderful day, and are looking forward to another one.
The boys want to get good enough to be able to enter local competitions...I want to compete again too. Mate man thinks it's the coolest thing ever.
This is helping bring us together as a family after the loss of our oldest son.
It makes you feel powerful and in control with that string is pulled back, resting so softly and lightly against your face, and the Swish of the arrow released, with the satisfying thunk of hitting your mark.
I love that they were smiling, excited and full of confidence again.
I love that I felt that way too.
Archery is very Zen.
Clean, pure and simple...Primitive and primal.
Like my art, like my faith, like my spirit.
I feel restored.
I feel like me again....deadly and full of love.
I hope you all experience a time of joy and peace today,
yours in the moment,
Heather/Sybil Ann
PS Today is Sunday....yep it's that time of the week again...Buy art from Heather Day...So you better get on it!
on my blog (just scroll down, you'll see them) I have a large list of paintings that are on special deep discounted prices (read this artist needs to make some sales, I hate Peanut butter...and I am sick to death of beans)...You should take a look, but take out your wallet first please, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself racing around the house to find it when the work that screams I AM YOURS...Hits you between the eyes. :)

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