Thursday, December 01, 2005

Check it out!

this is a great blog...and great art too, check her large and in charge...I love it.

1 comment:

Heather said...

HI Melba,
I don't live in the's attached to my "big" house as we call it.

I don't live alone I have 4 Men in my life, three of them my sons...and I totally Identify with the whole not much of my style going on in the big house...but out here in the little studio's all about me, and what I want, like, need, desire, and just DO>
I really liked your blog, and I'm glad to have met you...keep in touch sistah spirit! And you guys go read her's great oo...but then come back to me....I'm jelouse and greedy today...sorry Melba...:)