Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Fighting for Life

BAD! Kitty Art Studio
Quote for the day
There is frost on the ground this morning. I shiver and steam in the frigid air, thoughts of the upcoming day filling my mind. Wondering what fate holds for me today, if this one will be better than the last. Clinging to hope, and muttering my silent prayers, I walk into the dawn. Making breakfast for the boys, smells of cinnamon and syrup remind me of the countless days I have lived thus far, knowing I will replay this morning out for countless more. The battle within myself is between fact and fear. Will my destiny play out in this simple way? Is there something left to pray for? Bone and muscle grind together and pain is my companion, reminding me that this body is holding a soul, greater in size than this shell of existence can contain.
Step outside to look at the moon one last time before the sun rises on the day, it's perfect crescent hung in a bowl of midnight blue. Faith is an invisible partner.
There is frost on the ground this morning.
I shiver and steam waiting for the dawn of another day.
Live large today,

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