Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sunday and I am Thinking...

'Dragon Breath'
Created by HMBT 2006
The text in the middle:
"I Imagine therefore I belong and I am free."
"Spell of the Elements"
By: Elizabeth Jennings
Fire and water, air and earth
Contend, unite. A Magic birth
Is taking place somewhere not far
Celebrated by a star.
Take the music of the wind,
Take the fingers of a mind
Making, Breaking, letting go.
Take the blanket of the snow
And a necklace of the stars,
Take the footsteps of the hours.
All can spell-bind, all can build,
All will come if you have called.
We are subject to a spell.
It is married to free-will.
Come the spring, the earth will lie
Lucky under lucky sky.
No determinism has
Power to hold us long. We pass
Into every element,
Come and gone but never spent.
May the world be yours today
under a lucky sky,

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