Saturday, September 09, 2006

BAD! Kitty Art Studio ~ Saturday and I am working~

BAD! Kitty Art Studio
Quote for the Day:
"Say not that honor is the child of boldness,
nor believe thou that the hazard of life
alone can pay the price of it:
it is not to the action that it is due,
but to the manner of performing it. "

I am working today! I am painting again...Wahoo!
I am also adding more items to the Art Sale at Etsy,
so stay posted for an update on that.
(the latest update is a couple of posts below with links and everything!)
I am going to add some of my largest works,
Huge, Bold...Room size works to the sale,
because after moving into this much smaller space to work in,
I need the wall space for my new works...
which are finally feeling like they are moving in my head again...
swim little fish, swim!
There is a bunch of new work I have not yet
shown any where to any one,
and I am bursting with desire to share them....uummm like NOW!
So stay tuned...BAD! Kitty is on,
Fired up and willing to sell some
Great work,
for super low prices,
to gain some much need space in the studio.
Thank you to all that have been over at the Etsy site and buying my works,
helping me to make room for all the new work coming out, and keeping me going.
Now go shop!
Love to all,
FYI: My Birthday count down continues...Now it's only
18 days till I turn 37!
After being told I wouldn't make it to 22,
(OK cancer, BAM! Wham! POW! Take that!)
I love my's an "in your face" to the
powers that be, I'm still standing,
& better than I ever did! Isn't that a song lyric...
BAD! Kitty such a copy cat!

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