Friday, June 02, 2006

BAD! Kitty Art Studio WTF?! Moment

BAD! Kitty WTF?! Moment...think...act GROW...


Carrie said...

WTF, indeed. Outrage, that's what I've got right now.

Heather said...

I know it makes my stomach hurt to think about it.
I have a spear of truth, I will use it where ever I want...because this is America Still...and that's my throw a fucking hissy fit over the incredible wrongs being done on this earth at this time. Stop Killing, start Thinking, Start Acting Like Human Beings! This is something that should drive masses of people into the streets over it...I'm not kidding...they burned down L.A. over Rodney King but this....and all it got was this little fact-oid in one magazine?! WTF...indeed!
*With a double half back off the soapbox*
Come ON! Let's change this, Let's Change the world...
I ask You...
where is your anger?
I'll ask again...
Where is Your Anger?
You, yes... you. Random person on earth...where is YOUR ANGER?
Let's find it and use it as fuel...
light that mother....I'm ready...