Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Art- Summer Slice

Summer Slice
24″ x 18″
Gallery Wrapped canvas, finished sides, ready to hang
Available for purchase on my web site
Here is the quote that helped inspire the work:
When I was four years old they tried to test my IQ, they showed me this picture of three oranges and a pear. They asked me which one is different and does not belong, they taught me different was wrong.
~Ani Difranco

This obsession I’ve had with hats made of fruit has sprouted another lovely. I have already started a lemon sister as well, so I think that these are going to end up as a series. This would be sister #2, and I think they are the three daughters of
So, she is bright and richly sweet. Her orange hat is brimming with golden sun warmed juice. It sparkles in the sun and smells wonderfully in the salted breeze. She looks wonderful on the drying wall with her big sister
‘Fop in Lime’. The Lemon nymph that I am working on now is just as pretty as these two. They are not Vogue cover girls these three, no. They are wild seed. They are themselves, brave and unapologetic for who they are. They are the real deal, with edible fashion statements.
Yeah baby, that’s what I’m talking about. Stay tuned for the final sister and I’ll take a picture of them all together too, so I may formally introduce the
Hesperides in the proper fashion.
Have a great day, and I thank you for being here today.
FYI: I've recently completed three new works, I'm just a bad blogger is all. To see them all click on the titles: Maggie May, Fop in Lime, and this one, Summer Slice.

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