Daily Art- Substance Love
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5:41 AM
Labels: daily art, day one in oil painting, koi fish, nature, original art, Substance love
Full Painting
Detail (click to enlarge)
Detail (click to enlarge)
‘City Lights’
18″x 24″
Ready to hang, needs no frame
$155.00 + 25.00 Shipping anywhere inside the USA
International buyers, please contact me HERE for a free shipping quote to anywhere in the world.
Here is the quote that goes with the work:
“This is the fairest picture on our planet, the most enchanting to look upon, the most satisfying to the eye and spirit. To see the sun sink down, drowned in his pink and purple and golden floods, and overwhelm Florence with tides of color that make all the sharp lines dim and faint and turn the solid city to a city of dreams, is a sight to stir the coldest nature, and make a sympathetic one drunk with ecstasy.”
Posted by
10:07 AM
Labels: city lights, daily art, daily painting, original oil painting
‘Contemplation in Red’ from the faces series #3
24″ x 36″
finished sides, no frame needed, ready to hang
$185.00 + 45.00 shipping to anywhere inside the USA (it’s large art so it’s a little more to ship)
International/outside the USA, buyers please email me here for purchase or a free shipping quote to anywhere in the world
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5:12 AM
Labels: contemplation in red, daily art, daily painting, daily quote
full painting
background detail
‘I don’t know why she can’t keep her clothes on in the woods’
36″ x 24″
Finished sides ready to hang
$285.00 + 45.00 shipping to anywhere inside the USA.
Buy this Art Now with PayPal Here
International buyers are always welcome, please email me HERE for a free shipping quote to anywhere in the world.
Here is the quote for this work:
“Be naked in the splendor of the truth of who you are.”
~ Gangaji ~
This work is a self portrait. I have this strange need to be naked when ever I step into the woods. I can’t explain it, well not really, but as you know dear reader what comes next is my attempt to do just that.
I consider the earth and her woods, oceans, and other natural places to be my own personal church, or chapel. My idea is that my Universe, My God would want me clothed in what I came with…my beautiful skin. We do a lot of hiking and woods walking wherever we live. It is not uncommon to come across me hiking in the woods with nothing on but my walking shorts, my shoes and my backpack…if it’s a populated trail (lots of people) I’ll find a trail that is less traveled, find a couple of non-irritating leaves, place them over my boobs, hold them in place with my backpack straps…and hike away. If I can find a little out-of-the-way place near moving water…I will be naked in two seconds flat. My kids and Mate Man have learned that I have no pride or shame about being naked outdoors. Yes, we have encountered people along the paths we have walked, that were not as comfortable with my nakedness as I am…but that’s not my problem to control or change. Now don’t get me wrong…I’m not pubic hair nude walking around for every kid or person in the world to see…but I’m a lot more naked than most. Once you get over the way you look to others, being in your own skin ain’t bad at all. I love the feel of wind and sun on bear skin that spends most of it’s life under clothes. I love the feel of water on my bare bum…what can I say, I’m a nature girl.
These days I don’t get to do as much out in nature time as I would like. I have not been naked in the woods in too many years. It’s getting to me, I tell you…it’s getting to me. So, I painted naked woods time. I painted the rich color of green, it comes in hundreds of hues out in the woods, and I used my favorites…all of them. I painted the way mountain water, spring cold and fresh feels; to me it feels blue, no matter the color or clarity of the water, so my favorites in the cool blues are represented too. The hair…yes, I have had fire engine red hair, this seems to be one of my more subtle burgundy/violet moments. I have naturally very light brown hair…yawn, boring. I wear it deep and purple/burgundy now a days, it soots me. In sunlight, it has a warm crimson effect, so I am punk rock in the bright light of day, that too soots me.
She is suspended in what I call the eye game. When I was a kid, I learned that I could play a game with defocussing my eyes. So, where ever I was I could let the world go soft, fuzzy around the edges and mostly made of blocks of colors and light dark spaces. I did this so often as a kid, that I do it reflexively today. I do it all the time. I can maintain complete attention to whatever is going on around me, but I tend to reduce visual imagery down to tone, texture, light, dark, mid tones, and base color values. I know that as a child this way of seeing the world was my escape hatch. It has saved my bacon many times; it means I like to distance myself from my reality. Looked at in the text book way, the educated/doctor way…this is not a good thing. This is something that makes me weird and probably in need of medication. In reality…I just see more than most people know is even available.
I see the “weave” of this life. I know how flimsy it really is. I can see the veil…I can also see through it. Yeah, I can see by re- reading what I just wrote, this truth about myself, how others could react in really negative ways. I learned to keep my eye-game to myself, early on and not tell people about all the wondrous things that are right here…right here next to us, it’s the veil they want…I have learned to give this world the veil. Yup, there it is…I see it clearly too! Ok, I’m normal, I’m just like everyone else. For the longest time, I wanted to make sure nobody knew I was different. I hear stuff, I see stuff that other people don’t. But, I am not crazy or delusional. Yeah, I know…it’s a little much to swallow, plain fact is that it’s also true.
This work is homage to what I live with; the gray matter that I will spend this life with. It is homage to how I see things and myself. I am everything and I am small too. In my world, green is alive and dancing with the blue air and water. Magic is afoot. Being naked is a good thing. The world embraces my individualism and rewards my willingness to see and share that vision with you, the world at large. This is me world, naked in the woods. Loving every minute of it.
I hope your day is colorful and full of joy.
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9:58 AM
Labels: daily art, daily painting, daily quote, naked in the woods
Posted by
6:29 AM
Labels: abstract art, buy art with paypal, daily art, daily painting, daily quote, Modern art, plaster painting, wall sculpture
“Feed Me”
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Close up detail
Full painting
“Feed Me”
24″ x 36″
finished sides, this one is a side stapled canvas, but it’s been painted out so that you can not see them at all.
Ready to hang
Here is the poem that inspired the work:
The Peace of Wild Things
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water,
and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief.
I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light.
For a time
I rest in the grace of the world,
and am free.
Posted by
5:22 AM
Labels: a new artwork, birds, daily art, daily painting, feed me
Full painting
Primordial Boogie
24″ x 18″
back stapled/reday to hang
$185.00 + 25.00 Shipping to anywhere inside the USA.
International buyers always welcome, please email me HERE for a free shipping quote to anywhere in the world.
Here are the quote(s) for this work:
BAD! Kitty Disclaimer
***If you offend easily, please, skip over the second quote.***
“There is an ultimate wildness in all this, for the universe, as existence itself, is a terrifying as well as a benign mode of being. If it grants us amazing powers over much of its functioning we must always remember that any arrogance on our part will ultimately be called to account. The beginning of wisdom in any human activity is a certain reverence before the primordial mystery of existence, for the world about us is a fearsome mode of being. We do not judge the universe.”
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2:07 PM
Labels: abstract art, in oil painting, new work finished
Full Painting
“Enhanced Vision’
24″ x 18″
back stapled/finished sides
ready to hang
$185.00 + 25.00 Shipping anywhere inside the USA
International buyers always welcome, please email me HERE for a free shipping quote to anywhere in the world.
Here is the quote for this work:
“Clearly, the shift to a higher form of consciousness could not happen passively. The transformation of consciousness requires not only personal work, but direct and surgically precise engagement with ecological, political, psychological, commercial, technological, and spiritual aspects of reality — as Nietzsche noted, the deed creates the doer, “as an afterthought.” It is inconceivable that a movement to a state of higher consciousness could take place in a subconscious murk. Such a shift could take place in only one way: in the full light of consciousness. To accomplish this would require the complete engagement of our will and our higher cognitive faculties. We would have to decondition ourselves from negative programming, overcoming distractions and self-justifications and egocentric goals — to “abandon abandonment” and “escape escapism,” as I was once told in a dream — in order to act for the greater good. At the moment, it is unclear how much sacrifice will be necessary. As futurist thinker Barbara Marx Hubbard writes in her book, Conscious Evolution:
If the positive innovations connect exponentially before the massive breakdowns reinforce one another, the system can repattern itself to a higher order of consciousness and freedom without the predicted economic, environmental, or social collapse….If the system could go either way, a slight intervention to assist the convergence of the positive can tip the scales of evolution in favor of the enhancement of life on Earth.
If our current civilization were to disintegrate — a possibility that should not seem outlandish, considering the New Orleans flood, peak oil theories, and numerous ecological factors — we might face an apocalyptic passage, forcing us to evolve at high speed. Breakdown and breakthrough may happen simultaneously.”
Posted by
8:17 AM
Labels: daily art, daily painting, from the artists studio
Full Work
full image
18″ x 24″
oils and mixed media
finished sides/ready to hang
$185.00 + 35.00 Shipping anywhere inside the USA.
Contact me for a free shipping quote to anywhere outside the USA. International buyers Welcome.
Shedding one’s skin.
The snake that cannot shed its skin perishes.
So do the spirits who are prevented
from changing their opinions; they cease to be spirit.
Posted by
8:47 AM
Labels: a new artwork, daily art, daily painting, mixed media
18″ x 24″
“You are the door in the rock that finally swings free when moonlight shines on it. You are the door at the top of the stairs that only appears in dreams. You are the door that sets the prisoner free. You are the carved low door into the Chapel of the Grail. You are the door at the edge of the world. You are the door that opens onto a sea of stars.”
Source: Lighthousekeeping
Well, this is one of the two new works that I have been able to do while this month has raged on it’s path. I mean, it’s been a blur of working my day job 10-12 hours a day 8 days solid with a day off every 9 th day. I’m beat.
This work came about when I read one of Sara’s posts about working with perspective. It sounded good, I wanted to try so I drew out a picture from my childhood memory bank.
When I was knee high, I lived with my grandparents. They had this huge tree in the center of the back yard, and in it my Pa had made a swing for me. The leaves on this tree were huge, and I used to love to swing and hang upside down and watch the light coming trough the leaves…turning every color; like my own personal kaleidescope. As the clear Florida sun beat down, I could watch it turn into rainbows and star bursts of color and not get burned by it. I loved that swing, and my happiest memories of being a little kid are all around my grandparents. They both doted on me and spoiled me rotten. For the longest time I was the first and only grandchild, and I lived with them, so I got a huge amount of their love and attention. It really was great, I admit it. Pancakes every morning and riding around town with Pa every day, he always had candy in the glove compartment, and he’d laugh and say “that’s our little secret, don’t tell Nana!”. Nana was always taking me shopping and teaching me how to be a lady with manners. She made the best chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting in the entire universe. We always had fun, they had time for me, and I loved them so very much. Because I don’t have any pictures of my youth or my people to remeber those good things, I painted my pretty red swing and the kalidescope tree. I painted it the way it felt to be a big eyed heathen child, the darling of my grandparents lives. Bright and sunny, out in the back yard in Tarpon Springs…I was the little girl on the swing, with out a care in the world.
May your day be full and promising.
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11:58 AM
Labels: a new artwork, swingtime
“Summers Goddess”
24″ x 36″
Side stapled canvas that has finished (painted) sides
ready to hang
$285.00 + 45.00 shipping to anywhere inside USA
THIS Work is now SOLD! Thank you C. Reed!
International/outside the USA buyers are always welcome, please Email me HERE for a free shipping quote to anywhere in the world.
Here are the Quotes that go with the work:
O Goddess Earth, O all-enduring wide expanses! Salutation to thee. Now I am going to begin cultivation. Be pleased, O virtuous One.
~Ancient Sanskrit Prayer***Which is the woman, which the child? The joyous laugh that opens doors, steals sugared moments from the shelf? Or the dreamer mixing metaphors with tears to make a book of self To read aloud in winter’s rooms When summer’s sounds have ceased to bloom?
The Story: (so, settle in)This work started out so long ago…My Birth Mother, she gave me a print, I got to meet her and get to know her briefly in my teens…that would have been almost 19 years ago now. [side note...egads!] This is the image in essence that I have carried with me for all those years. It reminds me of her like nothing else. I rarely hang it in my home spaces anymore…but I have it in storage still to this day.So, for this painting, one day in late summer last year, I was working with clients, siting on the back porch. I was talking to a client and was absorbed in her issue, the act of problem solving, and I started drawing while I was talking to her.This image.It’s not really like the original print, I mean all the elements are there, but I stretched out the original in my minds eye, and the sun’s rays became a sun flower, golden, full of rich promises. The woman became a goddess awakening from the longest slumber, to come fully awake to her reality, life returning only while basking in that sunny promise. Greeting her downy soft white swans and the lotus, just closing for the morning heat, gaze at her, one eyed and knowing. In her bronze mirror she watches as her world defines and colors itself, at her whim, because of her, for her pleasure. A state of grace, her own grace, her rules, her own understanding, the veil lifts….she can allow colors of life to touch her again…so she is painted in gray scale with touches of light yellow, very subtle. She is caught in the act of becoming, awakening, and discovering herself pale and in need of attention. She boldly steps into the lake, pulls an open lotus from the mud and muck, places it against her pale skin and dark unruly hair and admires what is happening to her in the present, the gift of a safe…fully aware moment in time.I hope you enjoy her.May your day be full of discovery and adventure.Heathersupport living artistsbuy some art today
Posted by
9:18 AM
Labels: art, Art-O-Rama Sale, daily art, summers goddess