Sunday, December 17, 2006

WIP~ New work #2

BAD! Kitty Art Studio
New work in progress day #1
Work #2
As you know I like to work on more than one thing at a time, and I thought it would be fun to show you day by day what goes on in BAD! Kitty studio when I work. These are the two that I will be doing side by side, this is number 2, she is a fairy queen. This one is a fantasy work...completely different than the first one I showed you yesterday (scroll down a post for pictures of it) in the sketch form which will be a realistic impressionism work.
Fun huh? I like to keep the works completely different so that I can work from all areas of my brain at once. The rough out is done for this one, and I will start flinging paint in the morning. I am considering starting a third as well, a nature- scape...just to do a total mind warp. :)
Enjoy...the BAD! kitty-ness!
Woot! I am really working now...bwahahahahah!

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