Monday, May 03, 2004

Sex Fest 2004 and the rest of the weekend

Today is May 3, 2004
Today I Have spent too much Farking
time on this web site.
I have been rebuilding my new page
(not this one)
because it crashed over the weekend.
I am such a genius
I had to make it harder
(than the first time I spent 4 hours building a page)
and try to improve this one while I was at it.
So, to your right
(insert Vanna here)
you will see some of the blogs
I am currently addicted to.
You will be too
I am sure of it.
My weekend
went so
that I have nothing charming to say.
My mate and I spent as much time together
and as naked as possible
(that was the best part)
and the kids all had their own things
going on.
Thanks Universe!
I needed that break, it's been weeks since I could
Today I am trying to finish the table
that is on the
works in progress page
I changed it again...
This is My Third attempt at the top
I want to kick it.
It's Mocking me from the studio
I can hear it giggling at me when I walk by.
I say "you talkin to me?"
real threating like and it just sits
there, damn table.
I also decide to start making
floor cloths again
I'll be working on the first
in my new line of
Slobber Mats
for all our pets.
And Under the Trash Can Mats
for our homes.
I love making these
little rugs
I will probably do some place mats
and such for the outdoor
weather we are having of late.
Look for those in
"Other Art".
Other than that
today is the last of a
string of pretty days here in puddle town.
I intend to get out in it before it
fizzles out.
I will try to remember to take pictures of my work today
and then remember to sit down and futz with them
and upload them
all for you guys
(Gosh) I love you Man.
No really, just because some of you have asked for
more current
I'll get on that asap.
(watch me now)
Would you all My Wonderful Regulars mind
letting me know how this new page is looking
to you?
Do you like it better?
Tell me you Love me...
Oh Oops!
I lost my train of thought again...La LA LA...
It was a Very Nice Weekend!
Later All,

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